Church Team

Julia JagannathRev’d Julia Jagannath           Rector

Revd Julia Jagannath has been the Rector of St Mary’s with St Richard’s Church since 2022 having previously served in churches in Alperton, Acton, and Ealing. Julia is passionate about the Gospel message and wants to share the love of Jesus Christ through welcome, hospitality, teaching the Bible, and lots of prayer. Julia says ‘I am so happy that God has called me to be part of this amazing community and I can’t wait to see what He will do through us and with us’.

Jane, Rosemary and Linda    Churchwardens        

Involved in much of what goes on in the parish, Jane, Rosemary and Linda are our Churchwardens for 2023-24 and are an invaluable part of our church team! They are responsible for a lot of the work of the parish, and keep an eye on things like the buildings, services, events and much much more!
If you are new to the church please do introduce yourselves to them.

Lesley                       Safeguarding Officer

Lesley is our safeguarding officer. Her role is to ensure that any concerns are appropriately reported both to statutory agencies and to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. She works with the PCC to ensure the proper implementation of the safeguarding policy. Please see our safeguarding page for more details.

PCC 2024-2025


As well as the Rector and the Churchwardens, we have a voted church council, who function much like trustees of other charities do. They meet 6 times a year and are involved in the business of the church, and also its mission and spiritual life.
The members of this year’s PCC are: Rosemary, Frances, Stan, Jane, Jan, Lesley, Nick, Catherine, Matthew, Linda, and Abi.
Abi serves as our Treasurer and can be contacted at